Victor Harbor RSL Sub-branch: Vision, Mission, Culture & Brand

To be recognised and acknowledged by the wider community of Victor Harbor, as an organisation that recognizes  the value of service made by members of the ADF, both past and present, in the commitment to preserving our unique way of life.

To recognise that such service may result in severe difficulties in returning to civilian life, and as such the VHRSL strives to offer and implement any such assistance and understanding that may be sought by any past or present ADF members.

To recognise that some of the main traits that service has been offered to protect are: honesty, integrity, trust, empathy, respect and forgiveness, and thus implement them in our personal dealings with other club members, and the community at large.

The Victor Harbor RSL will be recognised within the community as a supportive organisation by having a commitment to:

  • Facilitating welfare and personal support to past or present ADF members who present with a need.
  • Organising and implementing traditional ceremonies of remembrance.
  • Presenting displays of historical military memorabilia within the confines of our Clubrooms.
  • Assisting schools with curriculum support material and presentations on request.
  • Finalising the planned development of the Soldiers Memorial Gardens, undertaken under the ‘Centenary of ANZAC’ banner.
  • Being involved in the compilation and publishing of ‘profiles’ of current local, past and present, ADF members.
  • Promoting an understanding of the abhorrent and devastating effect that being involved in a war generate
  • Putting a high value on integrity and paying attention to the values of the RSL.
  • Being hospitable, and displaying a genuine interest in the welfare of others.
  • Finding solutions to challenges, and resolving issues.
  • Acting responsibly and accepting accountability

The VHRSL acknowledges that the image portrayed to anyone entering the Clubrooms should be one of ‘belonging’.

People entering the Clubrooms should be quickly acknowledged by a member, and warmly welcomed.

There is an obvious atmosphere of respect, mate-ship, pride, loyalty and honour.

People are supportive of each other, and share a common purpose.

Everyone has a responsibility to contribute to a strong and respected Club within the Community.

The newly built joint clubrooms will allow a much expanded range of activities for the membership than previously available.

In particular the ‘Roos’ Club’ will provide, not only an area for social interaction and support between the two Clubs, but also the opportunity for the RSL to provide, develop and encourage interaction of e wide range of individual personnel and groups in an informal atmosphere.

The New Clubrooms will provide an open space which may well be suitable to be used affordably by community groups to offer services, or conduct fundraising activities used to assist the less fortunate in our community.

Victor Harbor RSL operates under the Constitutions of RSL Australia, RSL SA, and RSL SA Sub-branches.

However, VHRSL is an incorporated body in its own right. We consider our principal brief is to focus on the past and present ADF personnel associated with  Victor Harbor and surrounds.

Further information relative to the Club can be found on our website at

We also invite Community members to ‘like’ us on our Facebook page ‘Victor Harbor RSL’.