We welcome new members of the Victor Harbor RSL Sub-Branch – either Service or Affiliate depending on your past history.
The following provides details of the two types of membership available.
You can join us by clicking on the buttons at the top of this page and completing the appropriate membership form.
Forms can be submitted:
- By post to RSL Victor Harbor Sub-Branch, PO Box 170, Victor Harbor, SA 5211
- Completed electronically, printed, signed, scanned and emailed to VictorHarbor@rslsa.org.au
- Completed and dropped in to the RSL clubrooms at the Victor Harbor Roos Club on Wednesdays from 12noon.
Service Membership
Currently, eligibility as a Service Member is for those who have or are serving in an Australian Defence Force or in the forces of nations traditionally allied with Australia. Service Membership is also subject to the National RSL By-Laws.
Affiliate Membership
Currently Affiliate Membership is open to anyone over 18 who has empathy with the aims and objectives of the League and wishes to assist us with our endeavours.
Currently Membership in either category is $40 p.a. being due on January 1 each year.
Current rules are though, that anyone joining after October 1, their subs carry on into the following year. i.e. 2017.
The Clubrooms are open to members and interested potential members on Wednesday afternoons from 1pm till 4pm. Please feel free to wander in and make yourself known, or leave your contact details on the Club answering machine at 8552 4033 should you like someone to contact you.
Naturally we are only interested in genuine people with community support in mind.
Are you comfortable with the following mission statement contained in the Victor Harbor RSL Sub-Branch’s current Business Plan?
To provide outstanding service, pleasure and enjoyment to all Veterans and the Community.
We will demonstrate respect for our Military Heritage and preservation of the Australian quality of life through:-
• Being a support network to past and present Defence Force personnel. (Welfare)
• Providing an interactive environment of military heritage that is a record of every conflict in which Australia has been involved. (Education).
• Providing appropriate levels of Commemoration. (Dawn Service, Remembrance Day)
• Providing services to community in a safe and welcoming environment.
• Providing resources that benefit the community and foster support to the needy.
So why become an Affiliate Member?
- To assist the Sub-Branch with its project to create new clubrooms as “many hands make light work”.
- To be directly involved in the creation of an exciting new Community facility to be made available to all.
- To mix on a social and ‘working’ basis with like-minded people. Engaging in some sort of community service is a proven way of maintain good spirit and mental health.
- Promoting respect form those who have served our country as required is an essential activity, especially if there is a requirement for such service to continue.
Follow this link to CONTACT US about how you can become a member.