Community Perspective

 A Community Perspective on the new development

Compiled by Mike McCrae.

  • The Southern Fleurieu Community & Sporting Complex will, through the auspices of this Council as owners of the land, be community owned and therefore will become a premier asset for the residents and ratepayers of Victor Harbor.
  • In this role it will sit well with the aims and objectives of the Victor Harbor Open Space policy document.
  • As the sporting hub of the Southern Fleurieu region and indeed beyond, the facility is perfectly suited to serve as the conduit for the continued growth and development of a range of sporting activities for male and female sportspersons to play matches here and to attract players from other areas to Victor Harbor to compete in games and other events at the oval.
  • The complex will offer youth a safe and friendly environment in which to gather, engage in social interaction, play sport, train and undergo further development in teamwork, skills development, leadership and mateship.
  • Similarly, the upgraded facility will significantly enhance the recently introduced female football teams into the competition.
  • Victor Harbor High School has been recognized as a ‘High School of Excellence’ by the South Australian Government., and students will no doubt gain considerable advantage from the new unisex toilets to be built on the redevelopment.
  • The entire rebuild will be Disabled compliant, and conform to all work, health and safety and child protection legislation.
    Further, students will benefit from food service and catering available when the new kitchen and 200 seat dining room and function area is opened, to support their Year 12 SACE Studies at the High School.
  • The Veteran Community will be assisted considerably by having a new and secure home and Military Museum at which to meet and socialize and share camaraderie with other Veterans, and to enjoy highly nutritious meals prepared in the Department of Veteran’s Affairs financed commercial Kitchen to be incorporated in the rebuild.
  • These same facilities, of course, will be available to other Club members, and will offer a range of dining, seminar, function and workshop capabilities.
  • A disability friendly playground under consideration in a safe, prominent open space area will enable families to access and participate in a range of playground activities not available elsewhere in Victor Harbor, and will no doubt serve to bring additional visitors to the facility for this purpose.
  • Further grant funding options will continue to be pursued to support the upgrade and enhancement of the oval and surrounding infrastructure to enable 20/20 cricket matches and AFL football games to be played at the venue. Also, enquiries are continuing with athletics Australia to facilitate athletic sports and field events at the oval.
  • All of this will be held and maintained for the use, benefit and enjoyment of the Victor Harbor community as the ultimate owners of the oval complex.